Leublora Green Village (LGV) is a legally registered organization in Timor-Leste that addresses key social, economic and environmental issues facing the country. By empowering women, children and youth to become active change agents, LGV is working to enhance the quality of life of Timorese communities.
While Leublora Green School (LGS), a social development and environmental educational center in Maubisse where programs are offered free of charge, is LGV’s signature project, a Women’s Organic Farming Cooperative, the Leublora Green Villas and an Organic Restaurant have also been set up to empower the local community, generate economic opportunities and nourish a spirit of self-sufficiency. It is incomprehensible that a country with Timor-Leste’s natural abundance is a net importer of food. To model self-sufficiency, LGV aims that, within a few years, the revenues generated from its products and services will fully fund its social initiatives.
LGV’s ultimate intention is to become a source of inspiration for sustainable transformation in Timor-Leste and the world. The organization is led by Bella Galhos, a renowned Timorese activist and freedom fighter, and Iram Saeed, a development professional with almost two decades of experience in championing the rights of the most marginalized.